Grenoble Winter School

The aim of CL@UGA is to foster discussion on current hot topics in Cognitive Linguistics while allowing for rich interactions between senior and younger researchers. The programme thus includes both Masterclasses and more practical and interactive sessions. 

Invited Lecturers



Dagmar Divjak

Dagmar Divjak is a Professorial Research Fellow at the University of Birmingham where she holds a Chair in Cognitive Linguistics and Language Cognition. Among other things, she is Editor-in-Chief of the journal Cognitive Linguistics and has co-edited De Gruyter’s Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics, which appeared as a set of three paperbacks in 2019 (Cognitive Linguistics: A Survey of Linguistic Subfields, Cognitive Linguistics: Foundations of Language, and Cognitive Linguistics: Key Topics) with De Gruyter Mouton. Her main research interests are in understanding the relation between our general and individual cognitive abilities and the patterns and structures we see in language. She has worked extensively on charting what language has to offer the learner in their quest for the meaning of words and constructions. Her first monograph Structuring the Lexicon: A Clustered Model for Near-Synonymy was published in the Cognitive Linguistics Research [CLR] Series. Currently, she is working on putting usage-based theories on a cognitively sounder footing by exploring which distributional patterns learners discover in data, given existing constraints on memory, attention and learning. Her latest publications include Frequency in Language: Memory, Attention and Learning (Divjak, 2019, Cambridge University Press) and The Cognitive Commitment: 25 Years On (Divjak, 2021, Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press). Overall, she has published about a dozen books and over 50 articles in leading venues. In recognition of her outstanding achievements as a researcher she was elected as Ordinary Member of the Academia Europaea, Section of Linguistic Studies, in 2020.


Guillaume Desagulier



 Associate Professor of English Linguistics at Paris 8 University and a researcher at the MoDyCo laboratory of the University of Paris Nanterre-CNRS, he is the recipient of a 5-year honorary position at the Institut Universitaire de France, a division of the French Ministry of Higher Education that distinguishes university professors for their research excellence. He was also the president of the French Association of Cognitive Linguistics (AFLiCo) from 2015 to 2019, and he is the current Editor in chief of CogniTextes.

His research interests are at the crossroads of cognitive linguistics and corpus linguistics. More specifically, he uses corpus-linguistics and statistical techniques to test usage-based hypotheses. He has published on modality, evidentiality, and intensification from a construction-grammar perspective. In 2017 Guillaume Desagulier published a reference textbook: Corpus Linguistics and Statistics with R (New York: Springer). The same year, he opened a research blog: Around the word: A corpus linguist’s notebook, where he records reflections and experiments on his practice as a usage-based corpus linguist. (

Susanne Flach


Currently a post-doc at Universität Zürich, Susanne Flach is the PI of an Ambizione grant (SNF) on “Constructional Interaction”. She obtained her PhD in 2017 at Freie Universität Berlin: a usage-based analysis of constraints on English serial verb constructions. She has previously held teaching and research positions at Université de Neuchâtel, Universität Leipzig, and at Freie Universität Berlin.

Her primary research interests are lexico-grammatical patterns in contemporary English and language change in Late Modern English. She investigates how usage distribution contributes to our understanding of human linguistic knowledge. While her research focuses more on corpus-based perspectives, she also employs experimental methods.


Maarten Lemmens


Trained in Germanic philology (Dutch, English, Swedish) at the Dutch-speaking University of Leuven, Maarten Lemmens has been working in France since 1997, at the University of Lille, and a member of the UMR 8163 Savoirs, Textes, Langage. He is the founder of the French Association for Cognitive Linguistics (AFLiCo), of its peer-reviewed journal CogniTextes, and he was President of the International Cognitive Linguistics Association (ICLA) from 2013 till 2017. 

His research focuses on three main areas: (1) the semantics of postural verbs in English, Dutch and Swedish; (2) the typological and multimodal analysis of spatial expressions; and (3) lexical and constructional semantics (within the framework of cognitive linguistics and constructional grammar). These three key areas of Cognitive Linguistics each have their own specific method, but all three have strong empirical foundations. He is also co-participating in a new 4 year ANR project (P.I. Giuditta Caliendo, Univ. Lille) on the metaphors and neologisms used in the domain of perinatal loss (English, Dutch, and French).


Provisional programme

Masterclasses by our invited lecturers:

  • Merging language and learning: modelling the emergence of structure from usage, par D Divjak
  • Usage-based models and methodological issues in CL, by M. Lemmens
  • Typological perspectives on location, by M. Lemmens
  • Cognitive corpus linguistics with R, by G. Desagulier
  • Changes in the midst of a construction network: a diachronic construction grammar approach to complex prepositions denoting internal location by G. Desagulier
  • Basics of R and collostructions, by S. Flach
  • A case of constructional contamination in English: Modified noun phrases influence adverb placement in the passive. by S. Flach

* Masterclasses will be conducted in English.

Two different types of interactive sessions:

  • Workshops where students will work in groups and present their projects in a workshop paper format and receive detailed feedback from the lecturers and other teachers attending the school.
  • A 2-hour session on paper writing and publishing organised by Camille Biros and Lucia Gomez

Venue and accommodation

Venue: The Winter School will take place in Vercors, at the Manoir aux Lauzes (314 chemin du Manoir 38880 AUTRANS).

Rates: full board accommodation:

        - 80 euros/day in a single room

        - 68 euros/day in shared room

Dates : March 13-16, 2023

Applying to the Winter School

CL@UGA is open to all M2 students who have already taken part in a research project in Cognitive Linguistics (CL) and/or applied linguistics or are planning to get involved soon, PhD students, post-docs and young researchers in CL, as well as more advanced researchers interested in the topics of the Winter School.

Application process: To apply to the Winter School, please send us a cover letter highlighting your skills and experience, as well as your main research interests and ongoing projects. Finally, explanations about what the Winter School would bring you are also expected (max. 600 words). An abstract for the workshop is also needed (max. 300 words), and participants can come to the Winter School with a draft paper for the final session on paper writing and publishing.

Senior researchers can also apply with a proposal for a short article describing a current project and/or a new dataset. Proposals will be evaluated for publication in CogniTexts, the journal of the French association for Cognitive Linguistics (AFLiCo). Without excluding the possibility of opening funding opportunities to senior researchers, we hope that the Winter School publication option will allow at least some colleagues to obtain funding from their laboratories.

Funding opportunities: funding from IUF and AFLiCo will enable us to cover expenses for 15 participants to the Winter School (including travel expenses, accommodation and food on site). Preference will be given to younger researchers with no available funding options.

Application deadline: February 20

Selection results: February 22

Application website:



Registration deadline: March 1

Registration fees: Free 

*Membership to Aflico is required (10 euros)

Registration website:


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